Answering Your Questions

Question 2301: How long does it take to shift paradigms from the traditional one taught at most colleges to one that uses an understanding of the NsLLT?

We have actually taken some data on this question. It is interesting that some parents read some of the books and immediately change what they are doing with their children in order to meet their special needs. And some professionals attend one workshop and go back to school changing their entire classroom. However, there are others that take years and years of taking workshops and still don’t change their practice.

The average time it takes for a professional who is ready to think about the needs of children from the children’s perspectives and willing to try some alternative ways of working with children is about four years. The first year, the professional learns about some methods maybe cartooning or drawing an idea that they want to try. They try them and get good results on specific needs. They share their successes and get some feedback as additional learning. The second year, they try to change some of the group practices like how they do “I-stories” for the whole class. This results in more success and with sharing they receive more feedback. By the third year they have learned how to create an event within the classroom that includes all students. Again, they share and get some feedback. Finally, they are able to share with others “why” they do what they do and not just model the methods. This brings their professional understanding of the ANM shift in educational practice to a dissemination, systemic approach.


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