Introducing Viconic Language Methods™

Get accessible and personalized educational information based on the way the brain learns.

Photographed by Karl Maasadam and provided by the University of Portland.

My Approach

Learning, language, and behavior are interconnected. Conceptual learning is brain-based, and language represents concepts or thinking. Behavior represents the processing level of input, the conceptual level used in thinking, and the social level of language. As thinking raises, so does language as a tool for critical thinking, problem solving, and improved forms of literacy. Viconic Language Methods were developed over several decades in response to the needs of many children who experienced learning, language, and/or behavior problems. These VLMs align with how language is acquired, as described by the Neuro-Semantic Language Learning Theory (NsLLT). Many professionals have used the VLMs in their practices and have collected some powerful, positive data showing their effectiveness.


Neuro-Educators are in the Portland, Oregon area.


Professional Learning

Arwood and her colleagues are available to help groups learn about the NsLLT, ANM, VLMs, and the NvES through workshops, presentations, key-note lectures, and the discussion of referred publications.

Refining Practice

Arwood is available to answer questions about your application of the NsLLT, ANM, VLMs, and NvES.

Dissemination of Data

Arwood is available to support professionals and families in their desire to share their insights and case studies on the use of the NsLLT, ANM, VLMs, and NvES.

Stacked books


Arwood and her colleagues are available to help groups learn about the NsLLT, ANM, VLMs, and the NvES through workshops, presentations, key-note lectures, and the discussion of refereed publications.

Fellow Neuro-Educators

Aaron Green-Mitchell, Ed.D.

Christopher Merideth, Ed.D.

Carol Lam, Ed.D.

Ana Lia Oliva, Ed.D.

Leslie Woodhouse, M.Ed.

Carole Kaulitz, M.Ed. CCC-SLP

Faith Kempf

Alyse Rostamizadeh, M.S.Ed.

Bonnie Robb, Ed.d.

  • “Words cannot adequately express my appreciation for the new tools in my toolbox for dealing with challenging behavior. VLMs really work.”

    — Teacher

  • “At first it was scary to give up how I had been trained to deal with behavior at home and at school, but after trying just one strategy for changing my language to help my child think differently, I was amazed at the changes in her and I’m no longer afraid. Thank you.”

    — Parent

  • “I wish we would have known about this approach earlier.” “My child is like a different person. We worked on behavior for years, and now, after just a few months of working on my child’s thinking, he is like a new person, and we enjoy living with him.” “Thank you so much for giving me the strategies to help my child learn to think.” “We are so excited to see our child progressing in so many ways.”

    — Parent

  • "Want to know 'why' people present learning and behavior issues? Want to know 'what' to do to provide services in the fastest, most efficient ways to people with neurological systems who need help living in an 'auditory world?' Want to know where to find the brain research to support teaching methods that are most effective? Want to know 'who' is more likely to benefit from 'what' you are doing to create visual contexts to support social, communicative, and academic progress? If so, learn about what Arwood and her colleagues are saying and writing."

    Lynn Wilcox, M.S., CCC-SLP, speech language pathologist